Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Senior camp is over...

There are seriously a lot of photos, but I'll try to post to up as soon as I have access to them.

Fuhh, is it me, or is this blog collecting dust or what?

Anyway, those who have missed the Senior Camp 2009, you really have missed the fun. I wanna emphasize on the fun so damn badly. The Campfire was da bomb! 30 minutes of spontaneously improvised sketch and some more, it's a musical! Probably one of the longest spontaneous sketches in our troop's history of campfire.

Here's the list of the many songs we sang and danced to during the sketch:
1. Darth Vader theme song
2. Barney ending theme song
3. Phantom of the Opera theme song
4. Titanic theme song
5. Power Rangers theme song
6. Transformers' theme song
7. Banana in Pyjamas theme song
8. Teletubies theme song
9. Pink Panther theme song
10. Under the Brown Bush
11. Macarena
12. Tomato Song
13. Over the Rainbow - Wizard of Oz
15. Billy Jeans - Michael Jackson
14. Bird Flu song - MadTV
16. High School Musical Parody - Mad TV
17. Aren't Asians Great? - MadTV
18. Food Court Musical - ImprovEverywhere
19. Grocery Store Musical - ImprovEverywhere
20. Radiation Poisoning Song - MadTV
21. George of the Jungle
22. I Don't Care - Fall Out Boy
23. Que Sara Sara
24. Viva la Vida - Coldplay
25. The Climb - Miley Cyrus
26. Party in the USA - Miley Cyrus
27. Love Story - Taylor Swift
28. What time is it - High School Musical
29. Banana song
30. Watermelon song
31. Tarzan and Jane song (?)
32. Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini
33. I Got A Feeling - Black Eyed Peas
34. Gives You Hell - All American Rejects
35. I Will Follow You
36. Yesterday Once More - The Carpenters
37. Green grass grows around (?)

If you're wondering how those songs sound like, there's always YouTube! You know what, for next year's annual camp, we should do this too. You'll never know how much fun spontaneous musical can be unless you try!!

Oh, and thanks to Sir Tuck Loong, all of us walked on burning charcoal for our first time, no kidding, it was really burning hot. But science saved us from serious injuries. It's not impossible to walk on the burning charcoal, all you've got to do is walk fast, and NOT run. The trick is to not shove your feet into the charcoal pit, otherwise, you're in hot water (make that hot charcoals!)

Then we have Survival Night. Sat outside in the wilderness for 4 hours, eating Maggi mee.

All in all, it was da bomb!

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